Polistuc FIRESCREEN – Fire retardant PU systems for interior

In environments where it is necessary to reduce the risk that an ignition of any kind gives rise to a start of fire, it is mandatory to install covering materials or furniture that
have a self-extinguishing behavior, that is, for which, once the ignition is removed, combustion ceases. In order to meet the growing demand from the market for
products with these characteristics, the Polistuc laboratory developed and fine-tuned FIRESCREEN, a set of fire retardant coating sytems, both clear and pigmented, able to give the painted product adequate protection according to the Italian UNI 9796, European EN 13501 standards and British BS 476: part 7.

The products included in FIRESCREEN are a clear sealer IT01PRIMER and a white one IGNIPRIMER30, and a clear topcoat IT01TOP and a white one IGNITOP30. The composition of the coating systems depends on the legislation to be followed. In detail:

  • Coating system according to Italian regulation UNI9796: The system involves the application of two coats of clear or pigmented sealer and one coat of clear or pigmented topcoat, depending on the desired final result. The correct weights to be applied are indicated in the TDS related to these products. Class achieved: 1
  • Coating system according to European standard EN13501: The system involves the application of a clear or pigmented sealer and a clear or pigmented topcoat, depending on the desired final result. The correct weights to be applied are indicated in the TDS related to these products. Class achieved: Bs2d0
  • Coating system according to British standard BS476: Part 7: The system involves the application of two coats of clear or pigmented sealer and one coat of clear or pigmented topcoat, depending on the desired final result. The correct weights to be applied are indicated in the TDS related to these products. Class achieved: 1

Concerning to the UNI9796 and BS476: Part 7 standards, six additional pigmented bases are also included with which it is possible to formulate a wide range of colors belonging to the common color charts of the sector or customized ones.

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